
Sunday, September 29, 2013

California -- The Cutting Edge of Immigration Reform

September 29, 2013

California is leading the nation in immigration reform. As the state with a population of 38 Million, 39% of those people
are Latinos and 39% are non-Hispanic whites. Two and one-half Million of those Latinos are illegal immigrants. Immigration
reform cannot wait for the U.S. Congress to act. The California Legislature is moving forward drafting and passing bills that
will rectify the many injustices suffered by Latinos.

This cutting edge is that narrow separation between the frustration of illegal immigrants restricted from education and
earning power and their soon-to-be status as the majority ethnicity of California. Law-abiding Hispanic people cannot now
live without fear of deportation and separation from their families. Law-abiding Hispanic people must seek out the
law-breakers who counterfeit Green Cards and California Driver’s Licenses.

The children of illegal immigrants do not currently have school systems that will teach these Hispanic children the skills
to succeed in an ever sophisticated work-force. Without this progress, these children will continue to toil in the fields of
the Bread Basket of our nation.

California has a young population directly related to the high Hispanic population illegally and legally immigrating, having
more children than Anglos, and raising their families here. The retiring generating of Baby-Boomers can be replaced by
young Hispanic workers when higher education is available to them.

California must have laws that protect illegal immigrants from deportation for minor offences; lack of workplace protections
such as minimum pay and overtime; the inequality of income; and lack of educational opportunities.

Those who criticize the “Left-Coast” for moving forward on a pathway for law-abiding illegal immigrants to join the
rest of Californians need to look no further than to Washington, D.C. and those who oppose immigration reform. California
cannot look away while illegal immigrants are deprived of an opportunity for a better future.